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I'm a hopeful cynic.

Small Miracles

Small Miracles - Ellen Holiday

I understand some books are meant as escapist reads, but there's only so much suspension of disbelief I can have. And it got me into a pissy mood too. Both guys were morons. Bah!

The Fault In Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

Picking this bloody book was one of the worst ideas I've had in a long time. By the end I was a weeping, snotty, heartbroken mess.

Screw you, John Green.

Clear Water

Clear Water - Amy Lane

This was only my second Amy Lane and it already reminded me too much of Keeping Promise Rock. The bisexual older MC who feels the need to protect the younger MC, the supporting characters, the period they spent apart, the chats, the reunion...

It was all right, but this kind of story and the writing style don't resonate with me.

Some further medical research wouldn't have hurt, either. Just saying.


Proxy - Alex London

This was a disappointment. The basic idea for the book was decent, but the execution was lacking—to put it mildly.

There are various technical issues, like the unnecessary POV shifts, the paper-thin characterisation, the shallow, dull storyline, or the obvious lack of proper content editing—to just name a few.

The story peaks at around 30% and then it unceremoniously deflates. The author thought he was writing an adventure, but all he accomplished was to make the story drag and wander aimlessly.

Also, it was as if he thought it would be cool to write a story by mashing up elements from films like The Matrix, or The Fifth Element, or even Waterworld. And while he was as it, he decided it'd be cooler to make his hero gay. I initially thought Syd's sexuality was simply not central to the plot—there was a clumsy and see-through attempt to make it seem like something would happen between him and his patron, Knox, early on—but this detail ends up adding nothing to the story or to Syd's development as a character.

The ending makes it clear there will be a sequel, but I for one won't be reading it.

Fear, Hope, and Bread Pudding

Fear, Hope, and Bread Pudding - Marie Sexton

It's not exactly breaking news, but Cole and I are incompatible. My curiosity got the best of me and I read this book. I shouldn't have.

Catch A Ghost

Catch a Ghost - S.E. Jakes

I may or may not review this properly when I decide how I really feel about it.

For now, I'm at sixes and sevens and this is my knee-jerk reaction to it:

There were plot holes the size of volcanic craters, names were thrown in topsy-turvy, and more than once I caught myself wondering what in the bloody hell was going on.
The paranormal element was clumsy.
Cillian's character felt redundant and by the time he did get involved in the actual story at around 90%—in a Deus-ex-machina, eye-roll-inducing way—I had exactly zero fucks to spare about him.
The ending sucked ass.


I liked the MCs (I ended up liking Tom a bit more than Prophet) and I'm curious enough about them to want to read the next installment.


Junk - Josephine Myles

I like Josephine Myles's writing. Her wry, bright characters are easy to love, so I keep coming back to her books even though they're usually average reads for me, overall.

There were a few extra things that didn't sit well with me in Junk though. The premise made me squirm. I don't find a hoarder—even one of books—sexually attractive. I kept picturing all the dust and the mould and the dirt accumulating in Jasper's home; how he had to keep his clothes on his bed because he couldn't reach his closet; how he didn't have a second clean towel to offer Lewis; how he had to wear weird-smelling clothes at work (after they had been left in the closet for years, collecting dust and mites and who knows what else); all the fire and all the health hazards. Despite the author's efforts to the contrary, I kept picturing him as a malnourished, bad-smelling ragamuffin who was about to have an asthma attack or break out in hives.

I understand compulsive hoarding is a mental disorder, and that Jasper was trying to address it, but I just couldn't see the attractive, sexy man behind the hoarder. I guess the author anticipated this, so she had Lewis fancy Jasper since high school (and vice versa) and she also added Mas, Jasper's friend with benefits who was half in love with Jasper already. Sadly, it didn't work and it all just felt contrived to me. I should also add that Jasper's issues with his mother (who had died of leukaemia a few years back) and how they kept surfacing throughout the book made it obvious he had yet another personality disorder. Serious romantic involvement should have been far down his list of priorities.

Then you had Lewis who ostensibly fought his attraction to Jasper for ethical reasons—Jasper was his client/patient and he shouldn't get involved with him. Well, he was right. To me, his decision to listen to Jasper and become friends with benefits didn't make sense and made him come across as unprofessional, feeble-minded and that he also took advantage of Jasper's feelings. Lewis himself mentioned several times how Jasper was experiencing transference, redirecting his issues and his emotions about his mother to Lewis, his therapist. That was another deal-breaker and took the romantic element out of the equation for me.

Lewis had his own issues, of course. Jasper's 'imperfections' had to be counterbalanced somehow and I appreciated the effort the author put into that, even though I felt she touched upon them rather superficially. Still, Lewis's proclivity to fall in love with the wrong person, or think he'd change them, make them fit his idea of who they should be, should have served as a way bigger warning sign than it did, and it should have made him keep his distance from Jasper—on an emotional level, at least. Also, Lewis had his own mummy issues—in some ways they were bigger than Jasper's—which only added to my feeling that the two major characters shouldn't have got romantically involved.

The secondary characters were often more hindrance than help. The character of Yusuf and his role in the story kept shifting—was he Jasper's friend, his father figure, a closeted bisexual, the widower who still pined after Jasper's mother, all of these, or something else entirely? The role of Mas was clear from the start; he was included in the story in an attempt to make Jasper appear a bit more desirable and create a semblance of conflict. (Apparently, Junk is the first book in a series and Mal is getting his own story in the next instalment; I hope he has better luck there.) Lewis's twin, Carroll (yes, they are called Lewis and Carroll and they also have a van called Alice,) and his parents could have been in a book all on their own—they only added clutter to this story.

And as if the issues both heroes had weren’t enough, the author decided it would be okay to add another layer of WTF by having Jasper

admit to having assisted the death of his mother.

(show spoiler)

And, as if the situation wasn't fucked up enough, Jasper decided the most opportune time to drop that bomb was right after he had penetrative sex with Lewis. Talk about pillow talk. What purpose did that serve exactly?

The story just took a most predictable turn after that and it ended rather abruptly—as most of Ms Myles's books do—without really addressing the issues it raised.

In closing, Josephine Myles is an above average m/m writer, and I will continue reading her books, but in Junk, she bites off more than she can chew and it shows.

The Other Guy

The Other Guy - Cary Attwell

The last 40% or so of the book dragged a bit and it was predictable and a bit unoriginal too.

I'm talking about the ex-fiance reappearing and the two MCs reconnecting because of someone's death.

(show spoiler)

 Also, seriously, where was the sex?


Darn Post-Apocalyptic Wastelands!

Being a sci-fi character


Source: @tomgauld

This Is For Kate

kitty 1


kitty 2


Kitty 3


Kitty 4


Kitty 5


Kitty 6


Kitty 7


Kitty 8



The Verb As Noun

How to make write


Source: @grantdraws

Science Fiction vs. Proper Literature

Science Fiction


Source: @tomgauld

Dominant Predator

Dominant Predator (The Borders War, #2) - S.A. McAuley

Even better than the first installment. Kudos.

One Breath One Bullet

One Breath One Bullet - S.A. McAuley

This reminded me of a post-apocalyptic Special Forces.

This story is executed in a bit of an unconventional way. Non-linear timeline, bare bones characterisation of everyone but the narrator, major plot elements delivered in a dense, factual way ... It's the kind of story where you are thrown into the proverbial deep end and asked to swim or drown. It's up to you to take the challenge.

Just a side note: I've only read this and An Immovable Solitude by this author but I truly believe she can do great things on the page if she wants to. I would like to see a third-person POV story by her; I think it would help bring out her full writing potential.

Sinner, Savior

Sinner, Savior - Avril Ashton

Meh. This was too similar to the first book in the series, only the sex was marginally better.

I like big dicks and I cannot lie

This is for Steelwhisper


Big dicks